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Friday, September 20, 2013


     Originally this cabinet was in our den , then was moved into our "library" area at this point an area of lost toys so to speak.
  We have had this piece for a long long time and I was tired of the oak wood.
  I finally decided to sell it. Trying to entice possible buyers, I suggest repainting it in black or beach colors . Offering it for a modest 125.00 ....No sale . 
  I had been drooling over some vintage cabinets on Pinterest that had been beach blue, when finally I realized one of the pieces I loved was very similar to something I already owned! DUH! slap my forehead..  

   I suggested to the hubby we could bring it back into the den IF he was willing to work his painting magic on it. Accommodating as always, he hauled out our stash of colors.  I chose Belize by Sherwin Williams.

Using liquid sand all over the piece, love this stuff, he then give everything 2 coats , we decided to use Surf on the inside, one of things I never liked about this cabinet was it was dark unless I turned on the display light, which we rarely ever did.

After the painting was finished , it was my turn. It's hard to see in the photos , but I took heavy grade sand paper and went to work. Especially on the doors and top edges. Then using glazing mixture of 1 part acrylic black paint (folk art paint) and 3 parts glazing medium  and a few drops of water , I glazed the entire piece.
If you would like a dark glaze you would add 1/3 black to 2/3 glaze. I love it!!!

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